What are some detriments of femdom wedgie play?

What are some detriments of femdom wedgie play?

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When it comes to attempting to engage in femdom wedgie play, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks that this type of play could have. Femdom wedgie play, as the name indicates, is a type of domination and submission play that involves a dominant partner giving a submissive partner a wedgie. While this type of play can be enjoyable for some people, it is important to understand that there are potential drawbacks associated with it that should be taken into account before engaging in it.
First and foremost, it is important to understand that femdom wedgie play can be painful for the submissive partner. Wedgies can be uncomfortable and even painful if they are done too roughly, so it is important to be aware of how much force is being used and to ensure that it is consensual before engaging in it. If it is done without proper communication, consent, and respect, then it can be dangerous or potentially damaging for both parties.
Additionally, it is important to consider that sometimes, engaging in this type of play can lead to a power imbalance between partners that could potentially hurt the relationship. It is important to ensure that both partners are comfortable with the dynamics of the play and that they are willing to have a healthy and mutually respectful relationship that includes sex.
Finally, it is also important to keep in mind that femdom wedgies can sometimes lead to unintended consequences. In particular, they can sometimes lead to unintended psychological or emotional damage that could be difficult to repair. Therefore, it is essential to have open communication before beginning any kind of femdom wedgie play in order to ensure all involved are aware of any potential consequences.
In conclusion, it is important to remember that although femdom wedgie play can be enjoyable for some people, there are still potential drawbacks associated with it that should be considered before engaging in it. It is essential to ensure that both parties are comfortable with the play and that they understand all potential consequences before jumping into it. A healthy relationship is always the top priority and when it comes to any type of BDSM play, communication and consent are key.Are there safety or health risks associated with facesitting femdom?Facesitting femdom is a form of BDSM that involves one person sitting on or straddling another person's face or head with the intention of arousing sexual pleasure from both participants. Facesitting is often performed as part of dominant and submissive roleplay, and it is not uncommon to find it as a form of power exchange between two people. Although not a form of natural human behavior, facesitting femdom is becoming increasingly popular.
Like any sexual activity, facesitting femdom can present certain safety and health risks if not done properly. Because facesitting involves physical contact and close proximity, a person engaging in facesitting should ensure that both parties are in good mental and physical health before proceeding. It is also important to ensure that both parties have given their consent for the activity and are open to conversation and negotiation regarding the activity.
When it comes to safety and health risks associated with facesitting femdom, there are some issues to consider. The most common concern is suffocation, as the person sitting on the other's face can restrict their breathing if not careful. This is why it is important for both parties to establish safe words or a gesture before engaging in facesitting and to know when to stop. The person on the bottom should also be careful to communicate when the pressure or sensation is too much and be sure to take breaks regularly for proper oxygen supply. Moreover, both parties should take time to ensure their nails are trimmed and smooth as sharp nails can cause scratches and other injuries during facesitting.
Another concern when engaging in facesitting femdom is infection. Both parties should make sure their bodies and hands are clean prior to engaging in facesitting. Also, hygiene products such as lubricants and condoms should be used to reduce the risk of infection. Proper cleaning of toys and furniture used for facesitting is also necessary.
Finally, all forms of BDSM can have an emotional impact, and facesitting is no exception. Because it can be a form of dominance and submission, it can be emotionally intense. Taking the time to discuss expectations and boundaries before beginning a session of facesitting can help to ensure that it can be a positive experience for both parties.
In conclusion, facesitting femdom can be an exciting and pleasurable form of sexual play, but it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with the activity. Taking the necessary precautions, such as establishing safe words, having clean hands and body, and discussing expectations beforehand, can help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for both parties.


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